March 19, 2012

Blog I: Design Persona

Every day, every moment, design makes me think. This thought somehow lead to my conclusion that I get inspired by anything and everything. Even if something is considered to be "bad design" I believe that the experience is priceless.

My ultimate goal, or aspiration, in the design field is to become a tastemaker. A trendsetter. Like Jason always says, I want to train my eye. I want to be the very best, like no one ever was. I want to see beyond the visible and use this ability to create and lead within the design world.

I would like to create designs that make people think. Like Lego. The Lego Group was founded by Ole Kirk Christiansen in 1932 and is now one of the most successful toy manufacturers in the world. Lego brings people together but also allows your imagination to run fantastically wild. Over time, it has evolved dramatically into the building blocks of many childhoods.

I know you all remember this guy. No real than you are.

Not only is Lego culturally significant, a large deal of thought has been put into a modern day Lego piece. Each piece must fit perfectly with others, while serving a unique function in the model itself. Lego is a big part of my life as a 90's kid and even though I have stepped on millions of stray bricks, no amount of foot pain will take away the impact it has had on my understanding of physics, imagination and the "big picture".

I could go on forever with Lego jokes, srs.

So here's what I think my answer to your questions is. Why am I at design school? The more I think about it, it comes down to the fact that I genuinely want to be here - to learn, to train and to evolve.

Oh, and here's me:
My face. Do you recognize me?
I'm pretty sure this was due at midnight before Tuesday, not Monday so fingers crossed... haha...

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