June 1, 2012

Blog V: Locovisual - A Preface

This blog assignment is the last one EVER from DSDN 171 (sad)

From attending 171 I have learnt a few things. DO NOT LEAVE BLOG ASSIGNMENTS UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!

And then there's the y'know design theory, history, APA citation and all that unimportant stuff - ha. As if.

It is currently 2pm. T-minus 10hours. 3 of which I will be spending at work. So fingers crossed I get this done.

About the actual assignment,

I have chosen to write about the St. James Building on Courtenay Place not only because of my obsession with Classical literature and architecture, but because of the historical significance of the building itself. Hopefully I won't babble about too much with the writing and actually get somewhere academic with this.

Lastly, I have failed to incorporate chairs into this piece, but I will find some way of mentioning seating.. You'll see...

I've snuck in a Transformers reference and its 322 words?! 22 words over the limit but I hear that its 300 plus or minus 10%... So I win. HA.

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