Four Hundred and Eighty Nine.
For the project SPACES I wanted to show areas in which we make unspoken social contracts. One such space I think is the elevator. They are not just mere modes of vertical transportation, but they have the magical ability to turn each of us into a socially awkward penguin.
Today and earlier last week I went elevator hunting. Needless to say, I found some. I ventured around central Wellington and took photos of a few different elevators and now I will proceed to decide whether or not I want to continue to shoot in this style/setting or try an alternative approach.
Here are the contact sheets. SOMANY. Click to enlarge!
Later on I also found myself in an alleyway that led to an almost finished construction site where I was told by the electrician that I could take some photos without a hardhat and what not. So I did.
After looking through over 400 photos, I have come to a decision about my photography - no more elevators. There were a few good shots, but I'm starting to find the whole 'not yet furnished area' thing much more interesting. Or the EXIT signs of Wellington. Maybe it's because I've been looking at elevators the whole day. I'll discuss this at tutorial tomorrow (where I'll be sitting at the front this time because I definitely don't want to wait 40 minutes again).
I'm quite the photography noob so I ended up taking the same shot over and over again because I wanted a lot to choose from. Little did I know that I would be going through 489 photos to come to this sort of uninteresting conclusion.
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