May 31, 2012

DSDN 101: Milk Audio - Part II

Advertisement for sound production company Milk Audio with Daniel Campbell and Huadong Wang.

Unlike our poster, which was designed to have an universal (and particularly commercial) appeal, the advertisement was targeted towards a more youthful audience, without much sound production experience, either those new in the industry or just plain hobbyists. As a result, the advertisement contained only basic information that allows the audience to instantly recognise the brand. The intention was primarily to get them excited and interested in our product, and so we focused on the transformation sequence - the idea of our product being able to transform bad sound into good sound - just add Milk.

The aesthetic was again designed to appeal to that target audience - although it lacks the crispness of the poster, it has an informality about it, and has a more organic feel, making the company as a whole seem more approachable, more human, and so more likely to appeal to those new to the industry, or not in the industry at all.

Finally, we went for a genre of music that conveyed a sense of purity while still appealing to the target audience. It was decided that the idea of the 'pure' sound was adequately conveyed by the transformation sequence, where the noise and altered levels of the song were 'miraculously' transformed into the pure, original song.

aaaaaaand some proof


May 25, 2012

Chairs Chairs Chairs

I must really like chairs...

I remembered seeing this Marc Newson chair in one of the 171 readings (for the Rococo week) and I realised I could use this sort of 'slatting' for my model.

Put the link right hurrr
I made some test rigs using pens and masking tape - its literally all I had.. And over the weekend I'll be working on making this structure with wire and developing it. Looks fantabulous, no?

These sweet photos were taken with my iPhone on the spot, in class today so please excuse the ridic quality...


Another project I've just started is JOINT for DSDN111.

Basically i take a joint, in this case an elbow, and abstract it.
Breaking down the components, movements and the overall effect of the joint. I suppose the elbow is kind of simpler because some of the others got assigned ankles and what not. Life certainly is a double edged sword.. I feel that the elbow does have simple movements but this also means that there is less for me to work with. Hmm..

Perhaps some inspiration is due...?

Childhood memories...

Gurrrl, look at dem elbows

May 20, 2012


So I was thinking about the phrase "a new way of seeing" and I realized that seeing is understanding and understanding the whole picture could be seen as enlightenment.

Here's my sample clip for the project, kind of a draft of where I'll be taking things. This, though, is not in any way an indication of what my final product will look like! I need to work on my storyboards actually... this clip doesn't describe at all what my cinematography and narrative will be like...

I decided to use natural card for this clip because I thought it looked cool. I was correct. I might film my final on this material too.

May 16, 2012

A New Way of Seeing

The theme for this film is "A new way of seeing."
I thought I'd go off and brainstorm what that phrase actually means to me, or in general what that phrase might mean. I broke down the phrase and defined and antonized each word, and I have come to the conclusion that I need to stop reading about conspiracy theories.

May 15, 2012

Good News or Bad News?

So I've just found out that the third DSDN 101 project (MANUFACTORY) isn't a group one.

I'm really quite bummed out I don't get to work with the group I had (because we were pretty solid I think) and our initial film concept.

But then I guess on the other hand I guess this means the project will be more personal to me and I can make it exactly how I want to.

In other news, I found some great stop motion films online (not that  my film will be any better or as good :/)

A promo clip for the anime Eden of the East.

And below is a REALLY good stop motion video. Its a music video for Against the Grain by Hudson in collaboration with VJ Dropbear.



a manual factory.

For the third DSDN101 Project we have been put into groups depending on our DSDN majors (INDUSTRIAL FTW).

The short, stop-motion film is to be based on

"A new way of seeing."

and below is our idea for this project.

Is the designer a machine made for production or a sapient creator? Probably both.


I am quite happy with what this team has come up with so far and I'm looking forward to making our concepts into reality.


The second portion of this project is an individual brainstorm based on our design majors AND our minor. Mine being Psychology, I explored the human psyche and the relationship between us and design.

How does design make us feel? How do our emotions affect our design and how we see design?
Why do we design? What are everyday reactions to design?

More DSDN101 blogging coming soon - watch this space.

May 10, 2012

DSDN 101: Milk Audio

Milk Audio is a sound production company that is mainly concerned with the digital production of smooth, clean, pure sound. Our software products are aimed at both corporate, professional and independant, personal use.

Below is a poster for our company, showcasing the sipmlicity and purity of our products, services, concepts and ideals.

Those involved:
Huadong Wang
Daniel Campbell

May 6, 2012


Synthesis: a combination of ideas to form a coherent whole.

Is there a line between science and art? Or perhaps between craft and industry? This piece questions these boundaries as is combines the two sides of the coin. 

According to Bartneck (2009), design has moved away from craft and towards an academic discipline, but has not yet formed its own science. And today’s designers embrace science as analogies, metaphors, and in a few cases, tools to generate startling new designs (Mehaffy & Salingaros, 2012). The foundations of this model also lie in science rather than art. Extrapolating from the solar flare graphs of 2009, the planar discs of this model are suspended by a thick wire. It is science that puts this data into play and it is through design that this model is constructed.

Curves are the most basic expressions when fluidity is concerned. The curve is unpredictable, synthetic and molten. However, it is often forgotten that a curve is merely a series of points joined together in a nonlinear fashion. This piece uses points, lines and planes to illustrate a sensuous curve that envelops a string of discs.

This design was created to show the synthesis of materials, idea and form. The combinations plastic and metal; machine and handcraft; and most curiously, science and art is what makes this piece completely synthetic. It is neither here nor there. Its meaning is neither authentic nor fake. It has become that line between science and art. 


Bartneck, C. (2009). Using The Metaphysics Of Quality To Define Design Science. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, Pennsylvania. doi: 10.1145/1555619.1555627

Mehaffy, M., Salingaros, N. (2012). Science for Designers: The Meaning of Complexity. [Webpage]. Retrieved from

Mehaffy, M. Salingaros,. (2012). Science for Designers: The Transformation of Wholes. [Webpage]. Retrieved from

Wikimedia Commons. (2006). Courbe_niveau.svg [Image]. Retrieved from

NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center. (2009). ISES Solar Cycle Sunspot Number Progression [Image]. Retrieved from